Conducting Good Research
Research Databases (Encyclopedias)
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Worldbook Online
Search Engines for Kids
These search engines have been recommended by ISTE or Common Sense Media. Please use these search engines with your students to prevent unwanted information appearing.
Animal Research Sites
Your library has a large collection of books on specific animals.
The library has encyclopedias on endangered animals as well as most other animals. Kids Biology: Learn about 100s of animals. Fact Zoo: click on pictures of animals to learn more. |
San Diego Zoo for Kids: Great animal photos!! Easy to read facts.
Wild Kratts on PBS: Check out Creaturepedia!! Fun facts for kids. Soft Schools: A hidden treasure with straight-forward facts about tons of different critters. National Geographic for Kids: There are no better pictures on the Internet. Lots of comprehensive facts too.
Ranger Rick: LOVE that this site is full of facts mixed in with PDF files from their magazine. Awesome. Animal Fact Guide: The reading level is geared for older students; however, the text is comprehensive and printer-friendly too! Science Kids: A simple and straight-forward collection of animals and facts. ESpecies Fact Sheets: Got an endangered species to research? Can't go wrong with this website. Smithsonian National Zoo: Facts! Videos! Live cams! |
Other Research Tools
Using Google?
Know the Tips & Tricks
- Google Search Tips - visual poster
- How does Google work?
- Chromebook Guidelines
Click on the image below to find a large collection of primary sources for research.
Primary sources are materials directly related to a topic by time or participation. These materials include letters, speeches, diaries, newspaper articles from the time, oral history interviews, documents, photographs, artifacts, or anything else that provides firsthand accounts about a person or event. (from
Other Great Databases
Digital Public LibraryDigital Public Library provides a large collection of primary sources. These come from libraries, museums and other places. Click on the link above to start gathering information! No login required
Montana Research Resources
Every newspaper in the history of Montana is being digitized! Click on the different newspapers to explore.
Montana Historical SocietyThe Montana Historical Society Student Section helps you discover information about all aspects of Montana. Click on the link above to visit the site. No login required
The Montana Memory Project is a collection of items like historical documents, newspaper articles, audio recordings and more. Learn about people and places in Montana by clicking the link above! No login required